Our Family Tree 

"Behold the Work of the Old ...
Let your Heritage not be lost.
But bequeth it as a Memory, Treasure and Blessing ...
Gather the lost and the hidden and preserve it for thy Children."

                            Christian Metz 1846

My Husband's Line
RANDOLPH Includes: Abbott, Andrews, Baker, Eppes, Jefferson, Hawks, Lane, McRoy, Randoll, Reavis, Soane, Swann, Payne, Poythress, Webbe: From England, Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia 
Thomas Randolph poet
HAMITER  Includes: Bickley, Dooley, Hodges: From Germany, Illinois, Louisana, South Carolina
WILLIAMS  Includes: Cobb, Krantz, Proctor, Rector, Thompson: From Illinois, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee
KRANTZ  Includes: Binkley, Cagle, Proctor, Williams: From Illinois, Tennessee

My Line

PHILLIPS   Includes: JARVIS, Ferber, Gallagher, Kelley, Parkinson, Sumner, Waldrip, Wallace, Wolf:From Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas BAKER   Includes: Chase, Cox, Fritts, Fry, Marshall, Morrison, Waters: From Arkansas, California, Florida, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Virginia 
James Morrison poet
FERBERIncludes: Kelley, Phillips, Webb  From Germany, California, Iowa,  Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas O'DANIEL Includes: Cooper, Gladden, Harp, Hurst, McCown, Wallis, Wallace From Ireland, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee
GALIGA / GALLAGHER Includes: Bethany, Phillips, Wallace: From Ireland, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma WALLIS / WALLACE  Includes: Cole, Gallagher, Morris  From England, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas 
SANDERS  Includes: Bundy, Cameron, Copple, Cox, Day, Kent, Martin, Morrison, Hudlow, Warren: From England, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina William Sanders and Mary Hall MARTIN  Includes: Lowery, Dobbins, Sanders, Massey, McCullough, Pruitt, WILKIE: From England, Scotland, Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia
BYNUM  Includes: McKinney, Phelps, Proctor, Sprouse, Young: From Alabama, Oklahoma JOHNSON  Includes: Bundy, COURSON, Demison, Richardson, Orr, Wilson: From England, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, Illinois
MY QUAKER BUNDY'S  Includes: Brothers, Jennings, Keaton, Manners: From England, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Tennessee McCLELLAND  Includes: Collins, COURSON, Dale, Johnson, Welch: From Ireland, Illinois, Pennsylvania
BUNDY  Includes: Sanders, Johnson, McClelland, Wilson: From England, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Tennessee FOSTER  Includes: Browning, Cresap, Cross, Greene, Lewis, Wilson: From Illiniois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsyvania
COPPLE  Includes: Benzine, Birge, Breeze, Garren, Hiltibidal, Hudlow, Sanders, Saurin, Sprouse, Wilhelm: From Germany, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, North Carolina GARREN  Includes: Bundy, Copple, Hiltibidal: From Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina
PROCTOR  Includes: Banks, Bynum, Donathan, Forbes, McCarver, West: From Alabama, Illinois, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas

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"At this point and time, I am the reason for my ancestor's existence."
Cinque, from the movie Amistad

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